Wednesday, August 19, 2009


yes, folks, season two is underway!

The Working Theatre Collective announces auditions for our fall productions!!!

A Falling Apart Sort of Thing: A Ghost Play
By Nate Harpel
A brother and sister are haunted by a dark secret from their childhood. As they struggle to hide their secret, they find themselves drowning in aftermath of their choices.
2 men 4 women (ages variable)

The Lucky Woman
By Eva Suter
A new adaptation of Oedipus Rex with a focus on Oedipus’ wife/mother Jocasta. A story of the fierceness of love-- motherly love, matrimonial love, all of the above.
4 women 2 men (ages variable)

Auditions will be August 30th from 11-3 at the Action/Adventure rehearsal space. Please send an email to reserve an audition slot to Come prepared with a 1 minute monologue, resume, and headshot. First round of callbacks to follow auditions.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!

The Working Theatre Collective is an ensemble based company that is dedicated to producing new works and other theatre worth the effort. We focus on aggressively artistic, DIY productions in unexpected spaces. We are interested in creating theatre that is working to establish a home in the hearts of the artist and the audience. Through working to produce art we find the heart of living!

For more info please visit
or email us at

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

currently invading the light booth of the tacoma little theatre

tacoma is lovely. promise.

there is something about air tinged with salt water that makes one nostalgic and hopeful.

it is also delightful being here with nate, who called tacoma home once upon a time. there's something wonderful about exploring a place with someone who is beyond excited to show it to you. the secret smile they walk around with, living in their memory while telling you about this and that. what this used to be. how this block once was. oh, and that was where...

things for the festival are going well. i think. we just teched john lennon's gargoyle and finished lighting notes. so i think that we're done for the night and are headed to the parkway (one of nate's favorite bars ever).

they have boundary bay on tap.

to nostalgia!
to salt water!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Freak Out Over Tacoma!


Ashley, James, and I are currently at The Red and Black Cafe. We have just concluded paper techs for our productions of A Story That Ends and Begins with a Dream and John Lennon's Gargoyle, which we are taking to a festival in Tacoma in, well, you know, like ten seconds.

Actually three days.

It's going to be absolute madness.

We'll keep you updated.

If you happen to be in The City of Destiny (Tacoma, WA) this upcoming weekend come see JLG on Thursday (7:30) and/or Friday (8) and ASEABWAD Saturday (8) or Sunday (2) at Tacoma Little Theatre (Don't remember the address.)


So much to do.

Rock and roll,
