Sunday, April 25, 2010

___not___ opens this week!


a new play by eva suter and nate harpel

directed by ashley hollingshead

So, you know how things get weird sometimes with your friends? How, like, sometimes someone stops hanging out, or they get weirdly into drugs, or get obsessed with yoga or metal or their garden, or whatever? And you know how sometimes someone new enters your group of friends and it makes everything kinda crazy? How suddenly people start hooking up with other people, or get in fights, or suddenly have a new best friend and you feel all butt-hurt about it? ____not____ is kinda about that. But it’s also kinda about a city on a river in the west in which things start getting fucked up in general.

Featuring performances by Kaitlyn Acock, Jason Sample-March, Greta Pauley, Matthew Volner, Holly Wigmore, and Anna Zimmerman.

April 29th-May 1st, May 6-8th, and May 13th-15th

All shows 8pm

eff Space

333 NE Hancock

$10-$15 sliding scale

(Thursdays pay what you will)

For reservations contact 360-739-8523

“A bright young company with big ideas”

- the Portland Mercury

“Even in that lively scene, […], the Working Theatre Collective stands out…”

-the Oregonian

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